Category Archives: cousins


Nicole invited us over for Sunday family dinner. It was awesome seeing all the cousins running around playing. We are SO happy/excited to have more cousins living near us. 10 of the 19 are now in the greater Phoenix area! I vote everyone else moves here. 😉
IMG_9077 IMG_9081 IMG_9084 IMG_9086 IMG_9088 IMG_9090 IMG_9097 IMG_9098 IMG_9099All of Jake and Cole’s stuff arrived yesterday. I think the kids will miss the blow up bed for a couch though…..

Memorial day

Jon stayed home to work, and I took the children to the Day family Memorial Day BBQ. I LOVE family. Blood, not blood. Family is family. I love that the Day family feels the same, and we get to do so many fun family things together.

IMG_8893Jan (For those who don’t know, Jan is the cousins Grandma.) comforting Regan after I dunked him in the pool. He was NOT happy with me for a bit.

IMG_8894Kaylee seems to be over her water phobia. I am so happy for her. She actually had FUN in the pool this time!


IMG_8904Shannon is the baby swimming whisperer. She had Kaylee swimming all over and jumping in like a pro in no time.

IMG_8909Shannon telling Kaylee that she is doing great!

IMG_8915Regan had a love hate relationship with the pool today.


IMG_8930He hated.





IMG_8955And then he LOVED.


IMG_8967Uncle Dwayne swam him all over the pool.


IMG_8975I love how fearless Cassie is.



IMG_8989Hoping everyone else had a lovely Memorial Day.

Cousin time.

Last night I got a phone call from Rebekah asking if she could borrow my library card. She evidently has a book report due on Friday, and her library didn’t have the books she needed.

So we got to see cousins briefly when the gang came over to grab the card. I gave them money to pay a fine, and am happy that got taken care of. 🙂

Then Shannon said they were headed to the park after the library, and we should go too.

IMG_8729So Jon and I loaded the kids up and went. Regan insisted on sleeping in his swimsuit the night before, and wore it all day. I think he is ready for pool time.


IMG_8733I am that Mom who takes the kids the park in jammies. It was a jammie clean the house kind of day, and I wasn’t about to change and add to my laundry. Good thing Shannon, Jon and the kids don’t care how I look.

IMG_8736The bicycle brigade. It was Kaylee’s first time doing long stretches of sidewalk riding. She LOVED it, and can’t wait to go practice more.

IMG_8731This park has a circular sidewalk around the playground. the kids just did loop after loop.

IMG_8737Regan needs some wheels. He ran behind the kids the whole time making engine sounds. Needless to say the kids had fun with their cousins, and got worn out for bedtime.