Category Archives: baptism

Nathan baptism and family birthday parties

Sweet Nathan got baptized and all the local cousins got to celebrate his special day with him. I love these silly people and their amazing grandparents.

Our local clan is hopefully just going to keep growing. I love having so many nieces and nephews nearby to love on as much as our crazy busy lives allow.

Nathan wanted king piggy for his 8th pinata. So king piggy he got.

Sara (my birthday buddy) decided to throw down a challenge on my pinata skills. I love this girl and am only slightly scared for what next years request will be. 😉  Pretty much a perfect Saturday. Baptism, all the kiddos, and 2 birthdays celebrated.

Dylan’s baptism

This man got baptized, and we were lucky enough to be able to attend.







Crazy how time flies. I remember holding Dylan at the hospital all fresh and new. And now he is EIGHT!









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Dylan fell in love with Monkey and wanted a photo of just the two of them. He was so happy with her big cheesy smile.




Kaylee and her Angie. I so wish we lived closer.



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Cylest was so pleased when she got the baby to fall asleep.

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Seriously smitten.



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V got to build her snowman. The snow was not great for building so this was as good as t got. She was very pleased with it even though it was small.

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Regan wanted to be burrito wrapped like the baby.