Category Archives: anniversary

time flies when you are having fun!

Four years ago I was blessed to be sealed for time and all eternity to my best friend. It’s hard to believe that four years goes by SO fast. It’s comforting to know we get each other forever. Time here goes way too fast so having forever is good. I love this guy and the awesome life we have together. Four years, five pregnancies, and two kids later I still sort-of-kind-of-really-really (insert wink here) LOVE Jon!


Our one year Anniversary!

We went to Las Vegas (our hunny moon destination) to reminisce and catch a show. This year it was Mamma Mia, a very good musical comedy. We both enjoyed the show, although I think I liked it more than Jon. I’ll let him pick next years show. 😉
Jon and I had so much fun! Neither of us can belive that it’s been a year already. Time really does fly when your having fun! (Am I right Sharice and Derek?)

This is a view of the stage from our seats right before the show started.

Jon took this photo right when we sat down.

We decided to walk around some of the casinos we had not been in before. This is inside the Luxor. You know the really big pyramid. They don’t have elevators, but inclinators to get to the rooms. Jon wants to stay there a night so we can check them out.

This is me after I walked under a fountian at the Billagio conservatory
and got hit with water. I know… brilliant me.

The Billagio conservatory is really amazing. Everything is made of plants. And they change out the theme regulaly. See the stream of water in the backgound? That’s what hit me. 🙂

We are standing in front of a giant flower pot made of plants.
It contains a giant glass flower shown in the above photo.

This lady bug is made of tiny red flowers.

Some giant Herons made of white flowers.

This is really neat. The water is actually flowing into the watering pot not out of it.
And well the frog is just cool.

Jon by the snail made of red and white roses, and some moss.

Just a really beautiful butterfly at the conservatory.
There was a glass Garden house full of them for people to look at.
All in all it was an amazing day.
A really fun way to celebrate our first year of bliss. 🙂