Category Archives: allergies

Down to two

After dropping off the kids to their new family for the weekend, we took these two out to dinner and a movie. You know to soften the emotional blow of missing our peeps.

I gotta say Inside Out was just perfect for all of us tonight. It was just so great at explaining why it’s okay to be sad and that ALL the feelings have a purpose. And tonight we all have some pretty big feelings. Like all of them, all at the same time. Plus it’s 9-11 on top of all that (talked about at school and home). Hello hot mess!

After the movie we went and got some FroYo. Regan had TWO dairy free options tonight. YEA! Also table games are the best.DSC00815The kiddos had a “sleepover” tonight. Their rooms are just to quite and lonely without their room mates. I have a feeling that we will be having lots of “sleepovers” for the foreseeable future.


We are fairly open to trying anything to help alleviate our kiddos crappy skin. When a friend from church asked if she could come over and try bentonite clay on Kaylee, I said sure.
IMG_8866So Kaylee got a facial on her legs today. It didn’t seem to have any ill affects and Kaylee said it felt nice. So I bought some to add to bath water (Like an oatmeal bath), and the kids have been enjoying their “mud baths.”IMG_8868They both say it helps with the itching so that a win for me. ANYTHING that helps with the itching. Kaylee had fun getting loved on and pampered for a bit.

DIY lotion

IMG_7475When your kiddos have such bad eczema that even the special lotion burns you just make your own. Why is there alcohol in lotion?

They LOVE helping me whip up new batches for their body butter. It’s super duper easy peasy and also fun. This afternoon in less that 30 minutes with clean up we made six tubs of body butter and 50 tubes of chapstick.

We will go through the body butter in about a month, but the chapstick will last over a year even with me giving away half of it.