Category Archives: adoption

Zoo with the Littles

I didn’t get the camera out quick enough to get the hugs! 🙁 But all the smiles. I got those!

We were so lucky to be able to spend some time with our sweeties and their family. Zoo fun for everyone. Regan was still in pretty rough shape post skin infection so he was stick a fork in him done before everyone else. So we left earlier than we had planned, but it was still such a great day.

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She didn’t want to up the giraffe tower and let everyone know it. HA. IMG_5327 IMG_5329

All the hand holding. All the LOVE. IMG_5330

Be still my heart. Regan has sure missed his little bother and was just beyond happy to see him.IMG_5331 IMG_5332 IMG_5333 IMG_5341 IMG_5344 IMG_5345

She let me wear her for a bit. Which I LOVED. But this ones a runner and baby wearing didn’t last too long.IMG_5360 IMG_5366 IMG_5372 IMG_5381 IMG_5383 IMG_5384 IMG_5385 IMG_5387 IMG_5390 IMG_5395

This little girl was all sorts of kissy face to all of us. IMG_5399 IMG_5401

This was about when Regan was past done. His feet hurt so bad from the blasted infection and he was super tired. So I was happy that our Monkey girl could put such a happy smile on his face.IMG_5402

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how much he loves his Mom. I can’t even tell you. Just LOVE.


When Jon asked for a goodbye kiss she was all bout teasing him. “No!” and then laughing SO hard. Then she smacked one right on his kisser! IMG_5406 IMG_5410Saying goodbye sucked though. It always does. I kept it together until I got to the van. So that’s at least something. We were all a little weepy the rest of the weekend.

A little dance recital

We got to go and see Vivi and her big sister’s winter dance recital.
IMG_3065 IMG_3066We got to love on our Monkey Girl for an hour! She happily bounced back and forth between all of our laps.IMG_3072 IMG_3074 IMG_3167These two sisters are so amazingly adorable.IMG_3175

And RJ willingly and happily came and cuddled with me! Poor kid was SO tired.IMG_3180

After the performance we braved the mad house and tried to get a few pictures with the kids.IMG_3184 IMG_3187

RJ’s face looking at Regan cracks me up!IMG_3188 IMG_3189 IMG_3190Six cute kids. Two very tired babies. Picture taking craziness.

So grateful we got to spend some time with this sweet family and snuggle with pieces of our hearts for a bit today. All the love!


Papago Park – UFA picnic

We had a family picnic in the park with our local chapter of United For Adoption. It’s always so fun to get together with friends who have been there done that in the adoption world.
IMG_1953 IMG_1965PLUS this happened. It’s been two months since we last saw these faces. We have SO missed them. Getting the text last night from their Mom that they were going to be able to make it was the best ever! So much love and hugging happened.IMG_1981

I got in some wonderful snuggle with this little lady. Monkey girl is getting so big!IMG_1987 IMG_1988 IMG_1997

R took a bit to warm up to me, but he was happy to see everyone else. He did give me two asked for hugs, and then right when we were saying goodbye he gave me a voluntary hug! 🙂IMG_1998 (1)

We got some great shots of our family and their new family all together. I might be able to share those someday. Hopefully they will get to finalize the adoption by the end of the year. 🙂

I asked Kaylee how many cookies she had. Mouth full she held up three fingers. I cut her off. Vegan (because I have kids with allergies) pumpkin chocolate chip with cinnabun frosting. SO yummy!


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These girls. IMG_2011Such a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Also it’s National Adoption Day today. I forgot until new Mom mentioned it.