Category Archives: adoption


He is SO funny. Makes wonderful points, and sums it up beautifully.
“There is no one way to build a family. Family is more than blood and shared genes. It’s relationships. It’s about finding out who we care about the most and loving them as much as we can.”
“Adoption beautifully illustrates what is most important about family: LOVE.”
Our paperwork is all turned into the Court house for a  Judge to review. We are hoping to be certified SOON!!!

Kayleeisms about adoption. Plus an update.

So this last Wednesday morning the children and I were sitting at the table eating breakfast. Regan had just blessed our food and we were just chatting about nonsensical things. You know, what if the sky was purple? Things like that.

Then Kaylee started talking about her favorite episode of any show of all time EVER! Arthur’s Big Brother Binky. And then she announced that she needed to pray. So Regan and I folded our arms. I had NOT a clue where my girl was headed. I was not expecting what came out of her mouth. I was trying not to cry and laugh at the same time. When she finished I gave her a hug and a kiss then grabbed a note pad and paper to jot it all down.

“Dear Heavenly Father,
Just do it please. Bring my sisters and brothers so we can adopt them and be a happy family. We can go to the temple and we will take pictures with all my brothers and sisters and be a family. Jesus can do it all.  Make our family.  Name Jesus Christ, amen.” – Kaylee Isabella, age 4.

She prays for our missing family members lots. She has even with the generosity of Uncle Josh started filling a sister’s piggy bank and a brother’s piggy bank. She says they will need spending money when they come home.

And because every post needs a picture. Kaylee found herself some stickers. Jon brought her in to show me and to get a photo before peeling the stamps off of her and explaining that they were not in fact stickers.

***Adoption update:

About two weeks ago we turned in the LAST of our paperwork! We have three more hours of interviews to do then everything gets sent to the courts for a Judge to look over before certifying us.
WOOFREAKINGHOOO!!!!!! We are ridiculously excited about it!

A few days after getting all our paperwork in the children and I were walking back home from a library run. Kaylee was asking if our baby was coming home since our paper work was all in. I had to tell her that, “No. We still have our interviews, and then lots of waiting for a special lady to pick us.”

Her response, “WHAT! Mas waaaaingt?!?!”

Me, “Sorry kid. I know how you feel. But yes more waiting.”

And so we wait.

***Please spread the word to everyone you know/meet that our family is hoping to adopt. We are told that most matches happen because a friend of a friend knows someone who is placing their baby. So please just keep our family in mind if you hear anything. Much appreciation and love to you all.***

Anniversary and Adotion


Not gonna lie. We are pretty excited about this years anniversary. The children had a sleepover at the cousins house (so we could dinner/movie the night before), and then spent ALL day there playing while Jon and I went to our Adoption Academy.

It was an awesome experience, as well as being super informative. We had MANY questions answered, and gained a greater appreciation/respect/love for birth parents than we already had.

Needless to say we had a wonderful anniversary (Thanks SO much Day family), and are excited about the many adventures this next year will bring us.

A quick photo of us on our anniversary.

When we got home later that night we had family movie night. I took the following photos while we waited for Jon to go back to the Day’s and grab Kaylee’s forgotten meds. I don’t usually let the children get all crazy on beds, but I felt like this was a good way to keep them busy and get some fun pictures while we waited for Daddy.

Jon snapped this one of me and my babes when he got back. Tonight’s show was an episode of Tail Spin. We LOVE family movie/show time.

***Jack’ee do you SEE my roots (how can you not!), I am super excited to see you for a nice long visit, and to FIX my hair situation.***
