Category Archives: 4th of July

July 4th 2013

We did a LOT this year. It was a big celebration. We headed over to Jan Day’s home where we spent all day swimming, eating, playing games, and celebrating our awesome country, and Dwayne’s graduation. The children did amazing in the pool (6ish hours!).  They were more confident from swim lessons, which helped me relax and be able to enjoy the pool too.



IMG_9932Kaylee did NOT want to go off the diving board. She did eventually, but it took some doing, and a mean Mama. She said, “That was great.” after I tossed her off the board, and had a big smile, but didn’t want to do it again.

IMG_9913IMG_9923He’s cool like that. But really my favorite part is Rebekah’s face. She is becoming a tween!

IMG_9886Regan is our foodie. Kid can eat. He would swim, and then need to refuel.

IMG_9933And he got mad/scared when Charlie (the nicest dog ever) came over to sniff around. Don’t mess with this kids food!

IMG_9966Fun and games. The team potato sack relay race.





IMG_0073Graduation ceremony.

IMG_0081Everyone got to pelt the grad with water balloons. So much more fun than walking!


IMG_0152More fun and games.

IMG_0178Haha. I told Tanya to dump the cooler of water on Josh. Didn’t have to tell her twice. 🙂 Jon’s was dying. Laughing so hard. To be fair, Josh had road his bike over in the blazing heat, and really did need the cool down.

IMG_0206Then Tanya helped Kaylee “get me.”

IMG_0208She was in fits of giggles.

IMG_0234Couldn’t you smoosh him?

IMG_0284This one took some time, but eventually warmed up to the diving board. He had an equally mean Mama.

IMG_0285And then we couldn’t get him to stop. He was stuck in an infinite loop of jumping fun..


IMG_0370I of course HAD to make a pinata. It was a firecracker. Festive for the occasion, and built tough for the big boys to enjoy.



IMG_0385IMG_0394 Jon was all sorts of excited that the pinata was tough enough that he and Dwayne got to have a go at it too.

IMG_0400 The money shot.

IMG_0404 IMG_0406

IMG_0410Kaylee was SO sad that we were not going to be outside (just too tired!) for fireworks. BUT our across the street neighbors always have about an hours worth of fire works that they do in the driveway. So I set her up in front of the kitchen window where she happily watched fireworks.

IMG_0409Such an awesome day. We are so happy to live in this amazing country.

July 4th 2012

First of all at our house we are sort of lame and forget to check the mail. LAME! Just before heading out to Jan Day’s house for festivities Josh brought in the mail (About 2 weeks worth…) In our giant pile of mail was a fun surprise from Aunt Linda. She is the best. We love and miss her TONS. Kaylee squealed with delight when she saw her new hair bows. “Now I can have fancy beautiful hair!” She happily sported her new 4th of July bow all day. Thanks Linda!

Cheesy family photo.

Shannon has been so great at helping Kaylee (kid won’t do anything but CLING to me) out with being in the pool. She get’s freaked out if her feet can’t touch the bottom. Well thanks to Shannon she is now jumping into the pool! Slow and steady with swimming for my two kiddos.

The Day children are super in the pool and brave. Shannon says that the more my two see their cousins swimming the more they will want to do it themselves.

I just want to smoosh these two cuties. Smoosh!

Jon made his Strawberry Misu for dessert. Much loved by all who eat it.

And the kiddos used the dog door for coming and going.

Bug was a littler fevery icky so he spent most of his time in the sling/ in my arms. 
We had such a lovely July 4th.  Amazing food, company, and fun. PLUS weather was AMAZING! I have never had such nice cool weather for the 4th and was certainly not expecting the weather to be so great here. But is was and I am grateful. Thanks Jan for inviting us to your awesome parties!

July 4th 2011

The last time we spent the 4th with the Kreyling’s (Jamie & Linda) was right after we were married. It’s been FAR too long and we were so happy when we found out that Linda and the girls were going to be in town (Jamie was in Hawaii) this year.

Linda took us swimming. She took Kaylee down the slide at least 10 time. Kaylee went down at least that many times with Jon and then several more solo (Jon of course caught her at the end) Then Linda fed us dinner.

Jadzia put a flower tatoo on Kaylee (she LOVED it). And this is Regan’s new camera pose. He yells, “EEEssss!” (cheese) and strikes this pose. Getting a picture of him just smiling is getting tricky.
Oh, and Sam isn’t taller than me. My head is just tilted. Just wanted to share that tidbit. And yes I am VERY white. Thanks for noticing. 😉

If you look closely you can see a plate of Linda made Cinnamon rolls. I ate like 10 by myself (there were LOTS and they were AWESOME). I think I need to start running like Jamie and Linda minus the marathons though………..

Hope your 4th was as wonderful as ours was.
