Author Archives: Slothhorde

Ronon severance hearing

Court day. Severance of Ronon’s biological parents rights. Which makes it legal for us to adopt him. It also from a legal standpoint makes him an orphan/ward of the state until we get to finalize. Ew. ALL the feelings.

We had to wake baby up from his car nap. Look at his little sleepy face. He was not happy about it.

Got in some Snuggles before he was ready to get down and play. Hearings before us where as is normal for court running behind schedule. So it was a bit of a wait. This cutie had no idea what was going on and was just happy to play and be as loud as possible. SO loud! HAHA! Jon and I had ALL the emotional whiplash though. Such a happy sad day for everyone who loves this little soul. We thought lots about his birth parents. And of course his aunt who was his middle Mom. Letting go of babies you’ve mothered sucks. My heart aches for his aunt and everything she is and will feel with having been a middle mom who lets go for the good of a child. Like I said a happy sad day for all of us. Permanency and openness and growing our family with all of his is good. The losses for all, not so much.

Ronon Flynn’s first birthday party

A year ago around this time I was planning Monkey girl’s fist birthday party. I was a hot crying emotional mess. Severance had already happened and we were just living in limbo waiting for their parents to be found.

I was planing RJ and Vivi’s parties as well. And kinda mad. Nope. Just mad. Mad that they were in limbo. Mad that their parents were going to miss first, second, and fifth birthdays. Every first that these kids had for the year we loved them I wondered about their first and future Mom. Whoever and wherever she was/is she was missing first steps, words, adventures…

And then I started thinking about our missing person and wondering how many of their special days and moments we had already missed. I was a hot mess this time last year.

And then we brought Ronon home. He wasn’t walking yet. He only had a few words. He hadn’t had his first birthday yet. It was like a special gift from heaven. Yes, we missed lots of firsts. But not all of them.

And you know what? Even if we had missed all the firsts I am starting to realize that that would have been just fine. Our missing person is home exactly when he was supposed to come.

Waiting on Heavenly Father’s time is hard. But He knows just what I need as a Mom. I cherished all of the missed firsts for a year for three Moms. They are engraved into my heart for ever.

And ALL of Ronon’s firsts that I do get to have are even more special for the knowledge that I am blessed and lucky to witness his firsts.

Happiest first birthday party baby!


Obviously I went with a DC comics superhero theme with an emphasis on The Flash. Because for four years we waited and looked for our missing person and then like a flash it all came together and suddenly he was home. Plus we REALLY like DC comics.img_9420 img_9421

Kaylee and Regan pulled out some of their action figures to decorate the cupcake stand. Regan’s baby flash was perfect for Ronon’s cupcake topper.img_9422 img_9423

The pin the game that no one played…. I keep telling my kids that I’m not going to make them anymore, but they beg. And then a game gets made and not used. And I like them for decor so…img_9424

I ran out of red dye so we used the red sprinkles instead. I should have just made another run to the store. Oh well.img_9427

Pinata and pinata bags. This was one of my best pinatas to date. img_9428 img_9429

Kaylee and Regan colored all the hero symbols for the banner wall. They were so excited to help for baby’s first party.img_9432

Sweet Baboo and hist first Mama pinata. He was so confused.img_9441 img_9452 img_9460 img_9476

Those Walker boys. They are such great kids. Happy to crack the pinata and finish it off for us.img_9478 img_9483

More confusion. He just kept looking at all the smiling singing strangers. I’m sure he was wondering what on earth was going on.img_9488

Regan blew the candle out for him. img_9491 img_9494

He was super hesitant to dig in. That didn’t last long though.img_9496 img_9500 img_9502 img_9504

BAM! Cupcake 0 Ronon 1img_9506 img_9522

Uncle Josh shenanigans.img_9525 img_9533 img_9545

I was able to hunt down the maker and special order another monkey blankie for him. He LOVES monkey. A spare for washing and in case we ever loose monkey was a must. He was so funny looking at both of his monkeys. img_9547 img_9550 img_9560This was the best photo we could get of our one year old on his birthday. He will I’m sure get use to posing for the camera. Because I’m his Mama and that means he ‘s going to grow up with a camera in his face every single day.

Happy first birthday Ronon Flynn. We are so very happy you are home.