Author Archives: Slothhorde

Star Wars Holloween 2016

We had three events we dressed up for this year. Daytime foster agency party, Church evening Trunk or Treat, and neighborhood rounds the night of. ALSO, ALSO Halloween day this year happened to be adoption finalization day for Ronon’s adoption. So likely he’ll be in charge of costumes once he’s old enough to have a say. We were lucky to borrow Ronon’s Yoda costume and my C3PO costume from Emily’s awesome sister Amiee. So grateful!

SO SO hot! Lots of fun at the agency’s carnival though. They both attempeted to help him stay in the photo….  Kaylee with friend Hannah at the church party. We ACTUALLY decorated our trunk this year. It’s really hit or miss on getting it decorated.

Regan’s birthday decor made it easy this year. So so so so so hot out. Desert life.

Workshop floor

The workshop has been a dumping ground/storage for years. We are finally to a point where

we are ready/able to get it into usable shape to be a workshop. The floors and walls need

resurfacing. In their current state they will literally draw blood. We are starting with smoothing

out and refinishing the floors.  A new layer of concreat to smooth out the washboard flooring that we started with.Smooth like butter. Honestly this was such an improvement we could have happily stopped

here. But we wanted a REALLY hard floor. We  sealed it with epoxy to make it ROCK hard.

We added some fun grey and silver for well, fun. So smooth. All the future sawdust will sweep up nicely. And so hard all the things can crash on it and it will hold up. Walls next.