Author Archives: Slothhorde

MIM 2nd grade field trip

I was able to be a parent chaperone for Kaylee’s second grade field trip to the Music Instrument Museum. It would have been a blast is not for a challenging charge. Kaylee and two other girls in our group keep apologizing for the 4th girl’s behavior. Certainly a field trip we will always remember.

She was beyond annoyed with her classmates antics. Me too. We were both exhausted

emotionally. WOW.  Lots of fun between anoyances though. Plus her school bestie was in our group so that was

wonderful!  Always grateful for Shannon watching little ones for me so I can go hang out one on one (kinda) with kids.

Latkes cooking adventure

Kaylee’s 2nd teacher Mrs. R. does cooking adventures from around the world as incentives for good class behavior. This month the class earned making and tasting Latkes. These adventure require lots of parent helpers. This was the first one I was able to help with.

Such a fun thing her teacher does that all the kids enjoy even if they don’t end up liking the food.

Sista time

We got to go hang out and play and visit with this cutie. I don’t know how excited she gets about seeing us, but my big kids are always stoked to see Elizabeth, Papa Scott, and Grammy D.

I just love her. 🙂

This baby had two sister shadows for the entire adventure. Little mother hens.

You can never have too many Papas to love on ya. Jon got right up in the park and played hot lava with the kids. I sat nice and comfy and chatted with Grammy D. 😉 And took photos. Four little monkeys climbed all over for two hours! My boys passed out hard right after lunch. Ronon tried his best to keep up with the big kids. All the love. <3 Such a great family morning.