Author Archives: Slothhorde

Easter 2017

Sweet baboo all dressed up for church.

Jon set up a nice shady spot for Jack’ee and me to watch the hunt.

Ronon and Logan needed some parental assistance.

And then we smashed the eggs up and confetti flew! Or was sprinkled gently on heads. We had tucker out fun! So nice having Jack’ee and Logan join us!

Nowhere is safe.

He knows how to uncap the sharpies. AND scoot stools/chairs to reach them on counters. Nowhere is safe. It was ALLOVER his face, arms, hands. He was quite proud of his new skill. Tomorrow id family photo day. I was less thrilled with his new skills. I thought I got it all since I didn’t look under his shirt. This art job on his belly was a Jon discovery when it was bath time for this kiddo. I guess I missed a spot….

Oh, boy!


Do you see it? I was laughing SO hard. I almost felt bad bursting his bubble that his future wife might NOT like mowing the lawn and then it would be on him. His poor little face. Also, Jon mows the lawn in triple digit weather. Which is not often enough for Regan to realize that Dad’s DO mow lawns.

I had him erase it and “fix” it.  Jon said I shouldn’t have and in hind sight Jon was right. Too late to go back now. So funny though.