Author Archives: Slothhorde

Christmas 2018 family photo

These photos do not show the reality of how this Christmas went. This was a ROUGH one. One I’d LOVE to forget/erase/do over. DO BETTER. It truly sucked. But still. Happy to have these photos even if they are not an accurate representation of how our emotional/mental/physical state was.

Papa and Yaiya/Babushka/ Oma with all their grandchildren to date. All the cousins for this branch of the family tree to date. And a nice group shot with all of us with our lovely matriarch. Love Love Love Grandma Joani. SO beyond happy to have these photos. They are certainly a balm to the crapfest this Christmas turned out to be.  I’m postdating this post 2.5 years after the fact because it’s taken that long to begin healing from events. It was BRUTAL.

Kaylee’s Winter dance performances 2018

Kaylee participated in her studio’s Winter performances around town this year. A first for her

and us.There were two performances for the winter dance. Regan was my date for the smaller performance as it was at the mall. LEGO store time happened after dancing. The night show was bigger so our whole crew went to watch that one. Sloth horde in all it’s glory.

Regan turns 9 and Zoo Lights

This 9 year old chose a Star Craft theme this year. Friday birthday means no homework and more FUN! Jon got tickets for Zoo Lights from work so we went had mostly had fun. Regan has NO stamina. So the second stroller was used.  Can’t believe my snuggle buddy is 9! Saturday was PARTY day! A little water and a little Vespene Gas to drink. Annual new cardigan. He still gets SO excited about new cardigans.

I hope he always pretends to love them even when he is older and

possibly doen’t…. He said it was a great weekend. Welcome to being 9 Regan James!