Author Archives: Slothhorde

Pandemic Thanksgiving

We still did our tradition of dessert and games with the Heatons. Zoom for the win!

I found coconut cool whip! So yummy. I’m feeling pretty grateful that dairy free options are becoming normal and therefore easier to find. My dairy free kids were thrilled to get whip.

Three pies for 7 people is tooooo many pies. We’ll never make less though….

Roosevelt lake camp out

Our last camp out of the season out a Roosevelt Lake. It is so hot. SO HOT. I couldn’t imagine camping there before November.

Snacking on Kaylee’s favorite chips. He thought he was SO funny since she couldn’t take them on the paddle board.
Regan gets sleepy on the lake.
I’m usually solo away from everyone while I kayak. It’s so peaceful on the water.
My peace comes from Jon taking the youngest three out on the boat. He’s the best.
These two are getting good at mid lake device swapping.
Roosevelt Lake is massive and gorgeous.