Random photos of bits of October.
Regan is happiest when spending time with Monkey. (Her nickname. She wears monkey print diapers…)
One bike, three kids.
Afternoon walks with five kids. Tricky, but doable
Painted her nails after she passed out on the boppy. It was purposeful. She needed painted nails for picture day.
He loves wearing our shoes. Silly boy.
Jon and Josh built some guard rails for R so he wouldn't fall out of bed. And then we had to figure out a way to get him to stay IN bed….. Issues. Problems. As Regan says Issueproblem.
- Halloween 2014 (0.500)
- Phoenix Temple open house (0.500)
- Christmas 2014 (0.500)
- whip it, whip it good! and other AWESOMENESS! (RANDOM - 0.204)