The trouble with Regan…..

(An oldie, but goodie picture of the children. Kaylee likes to climb in and entertain Regan while he waits for me to fetch him. She is so good at buying me a few minutes to finish up whatever. He loves when she climbs into his crib. He thinks it’s just ever so funny.)

We wish we knew the trouble with Regan. He is a mystery. The new diet cleared up his skin just beautifully. However he is still having chronic diarrhea. (8 months people!) Which means his bum is constantly sore, and worse that he is not absorbing nutrients. Last month when we took him in he weighed 14.7 lbs. Yesterday he weighed 14.4 lbs. NOT GOOD! So I now have the joy and pleasure of collecting stool samples to send off for testing. They can only do testing on solid BM’s so that means it will take several days (he rarely has solid BM’s) to fill up the very little vile to send to the lab. So ya, we have a bio hazard bag in the out fridge to keep the stools fresh. Awesome. My Friend Misty was laughing on our walk this morning because she knows I’m a bit of a germaphobe. And an added bonus of fun is that as soon as I do collect enough stools to fill the vile I am to stop breast feeding and switch to the special already partially digested hypo allergenic formula. I will be on very good terms with my pump. The Doctor wants me to keep up my supply in case Regan refuses to eat the formula, or in case the formula doesn’t work. If the formula doesn’t do all that is promised we will have to take Mister Man to a specialist to get his insides scoped and biopsied. NOT fun. So we have a follow up appointment in a couple of weeks to see where we stand, and what needs to happen next. Regan has NEVER liked pacifiers let alone bottles. This should be fun……. Meanwhile he is JUST so happy.

He was playing one minute, then he was passed out next to his toys. He is all boy. Already likes to scratch himself. hmmmmmmmm.


5 thoughts on “The trouble with Regan…..

  1. Duh Despains

    Janice… I can’t imagine having to do stool samples on your baby! On myself was bad enough! Hopefully they will be able to figure out what is making him sick. You are so good to cut all the bad things for him from your diet! Hope you are doing well!

  2. Anonymous

    Oh Janice, I didn’t realize that Regan was having so many problems…….Bless his heart….
    And bless yours too.
    In his pictures you would never know by looking at him.
    Please keep me posted.

    Grandma Sapp

  3. Shannon

    It sounds like Regan has the same thing that Jerris had when he was a baby. If I remember what my mom told me right the Nutramigen won’t work. He had that only because he couldn’t tolerate regular formula, and was able to at least tolerate the Nutramigen without being as sick. For a while he was so sick that everyone thought he might not make it, but he managed to pull through. Fortunately you’ve been careful from the start knowing the history and it all just gets better as they age and their little systems develop more. I can only imagine being allergic to so much stuff it just takes time for his little system to relax (especially after 8 months of exposure). As you know my boys have the milk allergy and the diarrhea is the last symptom to go away. Even though Isaac has pretty much outgrown it he still gets it if I give him too much dairy.

  4. MelissaP

    That sounds so horrible Janice. I am so sorry you have to go through all of this with your sweet baby. That would break my heart to have to watch my baby deal with all this when they are so young. Heavenly Father must trust you so much to give you such huge responsibilities. And you are obviously a great Mother, because you have such a happy baby even though he goes through it all. I hope things get better for you guys. Let me know if you need any help with anything.


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