Regan snuggled me in bed while we waited for Kaylee to wake up. I sang to him and told him how crazy it was that he was three! CRAZY!
I soaked up our one on one time and thought about what it took to get us here. It’s so awesome how things work out. Our little man is finally thriving, and we feel so blessed to have this little guy for our own.
He said he wanted pancakes and candles. “Three candles Mom. Happy Birfday me!” He also asked where his birthday hat was….. I didn’t realize he wanted one until he asked. I ran out and bought one for him that night.
Then he wanted to have us sine so he could blow out the candles over and over. Here he is signing/saying, “Mas peas!”
I called it quits after round three. Informed him that more candle blowing would happen later.
Our Mister Man’s list of favorites at age three:
Color: Orange, orange, orange. (Same as Kaylee at this age. LOVE IT.) To be fair he also likes red, yellow, and blue.
Show: Super Why, Blues Clues, Scooby Doo, Gummie Bears (He calls them bouncy bears)
Movie: Any of the Toy Story movies and the Buzz Light year space command movie
Thing: Any of his three Linus blankets, Soccer bear beanie baby, any of his airplanes.
Toy: Swords, airplanes, Legos, trains, Mr. Potato head
Game:, and sadly Angry Birds
Food: Pizza, Broccoli, Bananas, tomatoes, apples, Chocolate “milk”, smoothies, pancakes. He isn’t a picky eater. AT ALL. We love this so much.
Snack: GoGO squeeze, popcorn, Welches fruit snack (will ONLY eat Welches. He is a bit of a fruit snack snob. Get’s that from his Mama…), and fruit leather.
School: This kid LOVES everything about school EXCEPT sitting still to do work sheets. Have to work on that. It amazes us at what a little sponge he is.
Funny things he says lately: “One more mas.”, “I feel turble (terrible)!” When he feels bad/sad/upset, “I don’t tink so!”, Whenever I hug him he tells me (whether or not I have said) “Love you too Mom.” The last is sweet not funny, but it’s something he does lately.
Funny things he does lately: He winds himself up to run super fast.
He likes a napkin or wash rag at the dinner table to wipe his face.
He does this funny melts your heart hard to say no to beg and plead when he REALLY wants something.
It’s a whole clasped hands in front of him big brown puppy eyed look with a “PEAS. PEAS. PEAS!” Looks something like this. But MORE.
Happy Birthday Little Buddy! Dude, you are THREE!!!
- 29 (0.500)
- Jon's 30th (0.500)
- Regan James 2 years old and a WCC (0.500)
- guess i wasn't fast enough for her liking... (RANDOM - 0.046)