Monthly Archives: January 2015


IMG_3264We got lucky and had a day that worked for both of these Mama's schedules. We were so happy to these friends! Emilio is going to be a big brother SOON! Crazy exciting stuff. Diana is the cutest pregnant woman ever.

IMG_3271 IMG_3224 IMG_3202So lucky to have Emilio's family in our lives. I miss babysitting him so much, so play dates are a must! He is going to be a wonderful big brother.

Epi Pen discharge

Old orange plus expired Epi Pens = fun for him and terror for her. In case of anaphylaxis Regan will save you. Kaylee will get Regan.

IMG_4062He was so fast I didn’t actually get any photos of his discharge. I made him do a mock discharge with the practice pen. He vocalized all the steps as he did them too. “Pull pin, hold area firm, firm jab, and count down, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Done!” There was no hesitation.


Kaylee… She wasn’t thrilled about this real life practice. She’s great with the practice pens.IMG_4066 IMG_4068 IMG_4069

Kaylee had a minor panic attack over the fact that it was the real deal and therefore had an actual needle inside of it. Below she is verifying that the pen does indeed suck the needle up inside and cannot hurt her post discharge.IMG_4074I think she will be more confident when our next set expire and need to be discharged. Both of them did awesome and could in fact save themselves/each other/others. Regan would just be faster with the save. 😉