1st loose tooth

Kaylee had her first loose tooth, and it was a shark tooth situation. She worked it for a few days and then we ripped that sucker out!















"So I know that the Toof Fairy isn't real, but I still want my money."

"Um… who told you that the Tooth Fairy isn't real?"

"Nobody. I just realize that fairies are pretend. So the Toof Fairy must be pretend too. But Mom I still want money under my pillow. Okay?"

We then had a conversation about how just because she realized that fairies are pretend and that that must mean the Tooth Fairy is pretend other kids have not figured that out. So this info is just for her and not to be shared with others. She was all, "Oh, like how babies are made. It's just for grownups to tell kids. Okay." And that was that.

She got a dollar for her first tooth. She reminded us to put it there.



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