Regan and I enjoyed some delish comfort food for breakfast Saturday morning. I really need to convince Jon that rice and beans is NOT just a dinner meal, and that its good more than once a week.
"Thank you thank you thank you for the YUMMY rice and beans Mama!" He was convinced that I was a rock star for feeding him rice and beans for breakfast. I seriously LOVE this little buddy of mine. We stopped by Home Depot to pick up some wood for making stepping stones at Grandma's house. I love how Sarah's nails came out. FASTEST nail job I've ever done! My parents came over to pick Kaylee and Me up for our day/night out with them. After Kaylee finished doing her stepping stone my parents and I took her out for non swimming (pool chemicals are SO bad for her skin) fun while Regan and Jon stayed with the cousins for swimming fun.I am told that Regan and Dan when asked to rinse off before getting out to the pool stripped down to naked rinse. I am told it was quite a sene. Jon says everyone had a blast. We are super happy we had Kaylee skip the chemically pool.
- Story time. (0.500)
- Kaylee rocking out on the dance floor (0.500)
- look what we just made (0.500)
- Garage biking (RANDOM - 0.500)