Tonight we wrapped up our ten week course for our foster license. SOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo happy to be done with that beast. Good grief. If you have done it then you know. IF you have done it I give you high fives and hugs for enduring to the end.
That is not to say that the course wasn't full of good and needful things. It was. But it was agony for my introvert self. Plus I felt like each Tuesday night the three hour class could have been easily done in an hour and a half.
BUT you have to have so many hours of training so… But is it done, and we learned a TON. Which I love. Because learning is awesome.
We were THRILLED to get this piece of paper. I kinda felt like in needed a cap and gown thing happening, but it's fine. 😉
Also on the way to class I discovered my first grey hair. I'm not gonna lie. I was surpassingly excited about it. So much so that I insisted on Jon taking a picture. He was rolling his eyes at his crazy wife, but took pictures anyway. He's cool like that, and loves me despite my strangeness.
And a close up of the lone grey. Jon says, "PSMAPP gave you grey hairs!" I tell you what he is probably right.
HUMUNGO thanks a million to Dwayne, Shannon, Jodi, and Scott for taking turns taking GREAT care of our children while we PSMAPPed!
- Halloween 2014 (0.500)
- Phoenix Temple open house (0.500)
- Christmas 2014 (0.500)
- Kayleeism: Elf workshop (RANDOM - 0.087)