These photo were taken over the course of a VERY long and painful 6 days. This project was started on day 4 of Kaylee's spring break 2014. So that means that the last two days of her break were spend watching us work. BUT It is SO nice to walk out to the garbage bins and work shop now. I cannot wait to build my table and pergola. SO excited!
We tend to do a lot of mid project thinking while swinging.
We decided that we needed a few extra hand for the day to get everything dug out and framed up.
I lifted/moved 8,000 lbs of concrete bags. SO sore. So happy. So worth it!
- tree hair cut (0.424)
- flower bed and tree stumps (0.394)
- The proper way to slay goatheads (0.351)
- Jon won.... (RANDOM - 0.003)