It was a rainy jammie wearing day. Regan is obsessed with his new birthday jammies. When we got home from picking up Kaylee Regan was a bit wet from the rain and wanted to change into a dry pair of jammies. I asked him to pose for some pictures before changing. Pictures of the new jammies were requested by Uncle Jason (the giver), and Regan's Babushka. So this post is for them. Enjoy.
If you look closely you can see his wet but.
He was very accommodating at first.
"I don't want to take mas pictures! I want to go sleeping!" You can not mess with this kids nap.
Oh, man. He was just not gonna give me a decent picture of jammies number two. But these crying photos of his epic fit are priceless.
He wears these two sets of jammies as soon as they are clean. It's a good thing he has Batman Jammie options, because this kid is obsessed. He wouldn't wear anything else if I didn't make him. I wish I could wear jammies all day everyday. That would be awesome.
- Story time. (0.500)
- Kaylee rocking out on the dance floor (0.500)
- look what we just made (0.500)
- Kaylee's big hair cut (RANDOM - 0.500)