I am NOT a morning person. Jon usually gets the children breakfast before heading off to work. Today that didn't happen. Usually they come in and snuggle with me for a bit and place their breakfast orders on days Jon has to leave before feeding them. Sometimes they help themselves to bananas and dry cereal. And sometimes crazy ideas pop into their little heads and they think Fruit by the Foot and chips is an awesome breakfast plan.
I knew something was up when they were being too quiet. I love their ingenuity in using the kid scissors so they didn't have to come and have me open the junk. I would also like to say that Jon brought home a Costco box of Fruit by the Foot because he couldn't find the fruit leather we normally get. "What? It has FRUIT in the name." These words received a MASSIVE eye roll and head shake from me. I have already told the children repeatedly that when they are gone they are gone.
So anyhow… Regan came in my room to request a drink and had his little face all up close and personal with my nose.
"Hey Buddy, did you eat a Fruit by the Foot?"
"Yes, Foot by the Fruit is YUMMY. I need some Regan chips too please."
I giggle every time he says "Foot by the Fruit."
Also Regan was my grocery shopping buddy and lobbied hard for those cheetoes for his sis. It's hard to say no when they are arguing on behalf of their sibling. And then since he fought for and won cheetoes for Kaylee I tossed in a bag of his chips too. I feel like my pantry is really full of junk right now. The rest of the household is okay with this.
The camera was on my nightstand so I grabbed it on my way out of bed and headed into the kitchen to see the damage. Kaylee had some sound kid logic happening to justify Cheetoes and Fruit by the Foot for breakfast. "Daddy says it has FRUIT in the name. Fruit is healthy food. And I know Cheetoes are just a sometimes food, so that means I can sometimes eat them for breakfast." Hmmmmm……
We rehashed our healthy VS. sometimes food talk, cleaned up the junk food and made oatmeal. It was an amusing start to my day.
- Kayleeism/Reganism (0.500)
- a Kayleeism and a Reganism (0.472)
- Shaun the Sheep with a side of isms (0.472)
- Tile browsing (RANDOM - 0.029)