Jon’s hospital stay

We left the house in such a rush and I was in such a panic that I left the camera behind. You know it's a serious situation if I leave my camera behind.

It all started Tuesday after work. I called Jon at about five to see if he was already on his way home and to ask him what he wanted for dinner. He answered right away, but sounded odd. He told me he needed to see a Doctor. I asked if he was driving, and if he should be driving. He said he was just around the corner. And then he pulled up in front of the house.

He could hardly walk and had no color. He was complaining of chest pain and having a hard time breathing. He insisted that he was too young to be having a heart attack, and insisted on immediate care over the E.R.

We called Josh up to see if he was close to being home. So he could either take Jon, or stay with the children. He had not left work yet so I loaded the children up and we drove Jon to immediate care. Josh met us there and took the children to Joshily house where he and Emily fed and entertained them.

At immediate care it was determined that Jon was not having a heart attack. They sent us for a chest x-ray, and referred Jon to a cardiologist just in case. Wednesday morning he said he was feeling better. Went to work and was able to get into see the cardiologist, where again his heart checked out. He then came home and passed out. Just completely lethargic.

Thursday morning he said he was much better and despite my reservation insisted that I go ahead with plans to take the children to the Science Center. He promised he would call for an ambulance if he needed to. So I went. Reluctantly

When we got home that afternoon Jon was a mess. Worse was that he didn't realize it, or know how long he had been in such bad shape. I called Shannon and she turned around from dropping us off and picked the kids up to take to her house.

I loaded Jon into the car and headed to the hospital. He kept half passing out and was barely lucid. He could hardly string a sentence together. He said he knew what he wanted to say he just could find the words, and that his limbs were heavy. They took his vitals and got him a room in the E.R. Josh came to hang out with us while we waited on the E.R. Doc and tests. Josh got to see many episodes with me.

They ran a whole gambit of tests, and then the E.R. Doc admitted him to the hospital for overnight observation, And since this all started Tuesday with chest pain that is all anyone would focus on. So we had to re-rule out the whole heart attack thing again. Then they did tests to see if it was his lungs, or brain. Lots of blood work to see if anything was going on there too. It all came back normal.

He had his vitals being monitored the entire time, and they never changed during any of his episodes. Nurses that witnessed them even double checked his vitals during just to be sure the monitors were right. What was crazier was that between episodes aside from being extremely tired he was normal. It was like he was slowly waking from a foggy state.




When we found out we would be staying another night I went and grabbed the children to take them home so we could all shower. Emily and Josh came to the hospital so Jon wasn't alone. The kids (especially Kaylee) needed their skin ointments. Plus I needed the camera. After we got cleaned up and in fresh clothing we headed back for a little visit with Dad at the hospital.




Kaylee insisted on taking her Daddy Pups (the stuffed animal she got for her surgery), because, "Pups is a special hospital puppy. She will make Daddy feel better."  Kaylee was excited to see her Daddy looking like a giant Banana. He had to wear yellow because he was a fall risk. Regan just wanted to go back to Shannon's house. He was having a blast over there and was mad I took him away.




Jon and I missed the children and were happy to see them for a bit.




Jon and I were SO ready to go home. Hospitals are just not made for sleeping. Once it was determined that Jon was not going to die anytime soon we got the green light to go. We still don't know what or why is going on with Jon, but we do know that he is not as bad as he was, and that he is not in immediate danger. We have a few more Doctors and specialist lined up to see if we can't figure out what is going on with Jon's body.

We know that a whole lot of prayers were said on his behalf while we were in the hospital, and are ever grateful for your love and support. We will just keep praying and hope things keep improving.

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