Kaylee was painting her nails during a Regan nap. I was painting a Barbie doll (Say no to naked barbies. Nail polish a bathing suit on them!). We do this often. It’s part of our “Just the girls, not the boys!” activities.
Kaylee got some nail polish on her skin and said, “Clean up on aisle 2!”
Mama, “Did you just say clean up on aisle 2?”
Kayee, “Ya. I am just so silly!”
So here are some silly pictures of little miss.
And then we both started laughing. And laughing.
- Kayleeisms about adoption. Plus an update. (0.500)
- Kayleeism (0.500)
- a sad Kayleeism and some yard work (0.500)
- cousin time (RANDOM - 0.039)