So last week Sam asked me to help her with her new place. Finish painting and decorating and stuff. So since she works 2 jobs it worked out best for her to come and get me and the children (we are a one car family and Jon needs the car for work so she picked us up and dropped us off) early Wednesday morning for a couple of days of house work.
Tuesday morning Jon told me that his parents were coming. I was way excited (normal response. I have AWESOME in-law’s), and then later on way bummed. They changed their plans and wouldn’t be coming in the day, but rather LATE that night. They were coming to help us finish the garden planting (like I said AWESOME). We stayed up late visiting with them. They were at our house ALL day Wednesday working (while Jon was at work and the children and I were gone to Sam’s). My garden has NEVER (photos coming soon) looked so good. Plus while Dad was in the garden Mom was in the house cleaning!
I know I am SO SO SO spoiled!!! Oh, and Kaylee got Grandma’s toy kitchen. Grandma thought she’d like it, and it would be better to use it than to keep it in their storage unit. So Kaylee has been “cooking” up a storm. And LOVES her kitchen. Ya, my Mother-in-law (and FIL) totally rocks!
Anyway….. Sam’ house.
When we arrived the children needed food, and we needed to make a few supply runs. Sam also had made plans with Shan’s (pronounced Sean/Shaun. he/it’s Irish…) siblings to go to Antigravity. So we met up with my Dad (who was there to take photos. we will have to make him play next time.) and Akasha, Patrick, and Conner and went crazy jumping on giant trampolines and bounce house stuff.
So Akasha is 17. She’s a young high school grad. She’s pretty freaking awesome. She’s currently bummed that she wasn’t able to deploy with her Dad and Brother (Army National Gard). She Worked SO hard to get all the paperwork singed and join up and all her basic training done only to be told that since she won’t be 18 until a week or so after they are to arrive in Afghanistan she couldn’t go.
I am sure you all already do, but please keep your thoughts and prayers with all our troops and their families. They need (and deserve) all our love and support.
And then we all went and had frozen yogurt (not Regan. he got fruit snacks.), before becoming slaves to home improvement needs.
- Cabela's (0.500)
- In bettween packing (0.500)
- How do you (0.500)
- Solo fort (RANDOM - 0.147)