goodbye hair. goodbye carpet.

I have this friend (Carter’s Mama) and she’s pretty awesome. She ever so kindly cut Kaylee’s (long and ratty) hair for me (I didn’t dare. It’s been to long since I last cut it. We’re talking before bedrest with Regan!) She went to hair school so she’s all professional (I’m a wing it with the hair cutting hair kinda gal) and stuff. Anywhoo.

We did some prep. Talked about how Miss McKayle was going to cut her hair and make it all pretty for a few days before the event. And the morning of the hair cut I had Kaylee watch some you-tube videos of kids (made sure they were happy-shinny-sit-still-kids) getting hair cuts. She was interested and excited to walk down to Cater’s house and “get pretty”.

1- She wasn’t sure what to think as McKayle made the first cuts.
2- Then she started making faces. This one was the most common.
3- She did really good at holding still. Trying to look at things without moving her head and all…
4- I asked if she liked her new hair. She had to think about it. And decided that yes she did.
5- She did so well Miss Mckayle gave her a Popsicle!

She did so much better than I expected. The last few times I’ve cut Jon and Regan’s hair I’ve asked her if she wanted a turn. She always replied with a, “NOTHANKYOUVERYMUCH!” before running away.

(She also got 2 stickers and an orange sucker when we got home.)

She LOVES her short hair. And I am so excited that it will not be as crazy snarly since it’s short now. Plus it’s perfect summer hair! I may have to get mine chopped off as well…..

So remember our water heater issue, and how I said we may have to get rid of the carpet? Well it HAD to go. And we are NOT putting carpet or anything expensive down to possibly get ruined. So we opted for this awesomeness and couldn’t be happier.

I also caused us a TON more work by requesting (insisting) we lay it in a diamond pattern. BUT we both agree that getting the bigger size and doing the diamond pattern makes them look “fancier”.

We will eventually do the living room (it looks odd as is, but $$ was a factor so it’s waiting a bit), dining room, kitchen, and bathrooms. Eventually.

For now we are just thrilled with the new flooring and that Miss is breathing easy!


4 thoughts on “goodbye hair. goodbye carpet.

  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for all the updates! Love the new hair Kaylee so cute and the new tile stuff looks great too! So, I have a couple of questions. Is Kaylee’s favorite color still orange? Also, as I’ve been “getting lost” in the work I’ve forgotten a lot of things including birthdays. So, could you send me a list of family birthdays please? It would be much appreciated. Thanks for everything! Love y’all!

    Elder Kreyling

  2. Kim

    I love the floor and her new hair cut. She looks all grown up now. I enjoyed catching up with you guys……I have not had much time to read blogs lately!

  3. Duh Despains

    Kaylee’s hair ROCKS! Sydney is sporting a similar look.

    I am the same way about our tile.. it’s diamond pattern and 18inches lol.. but we didn’t do the work either so I didn’t have to insist too much lol. Looks great! That will help with the allergies and kiddie spills! Looks awesome!

  4. Anonymous

    Tell Kaylee that’s it’s her “BIG” girl hair cut. Looks great!!
    I do love your flooring…..Looks great. Might be something that
    I could do with my kitchen & dining area……….
    Grandma Sapp


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