So Regan was napping and Kaylee was just doing her thing. You know her cute taking care of all her babies being an awesome little mama thing. I look up to say something to her (honestly don’t remember what…), and she says this, “Shhh Mom! I feeding my baby.”
That’s when I noticed she never did put her jammie pants back on after a bathroom trip and was indeed nursing her baby in her shirt and panties.
I of course had to take a picture. And as I was getting the camera she decided that she needed to show me how to nurse two babies. We have not seen any twins being nursed EVER so I don’t know how she figured out that it’s possible.
Oh, and I especially love how the original (the smaller) baby is under her arm pit and modestly being covered up with her baby burp rag.
- Kayleeisms about adoption. Plus an update. (0.500)
- Kayleeism (0.500)
- Kayleeism (0.500)
- a Kayleeism and a Reganism (RANDOM - 0.500)