Regan James 8 months old

It snuck up on me. Regan turned 8 months old last Friday. His hair was getting crazy long, so Jon buzzed his head. I can’t believe that next month he will be 9 months old. Here are some things I don’t want to forget:

* He LOVES sweet potatoes. REALLY LOVES THEM. And really like to (with a bit of help) feed himself.

* He is still a HUGE snuggle bug. Kaylee is calling him Bug now, or Regan James. She loves him.

* He FINALLY decided to stop being totally lazy. So he is is now rolling all over the place. He is just a content baby. Moving is not a huge priority for him. Still well within the “normal” range for gross motor development so no worries.

* He is a talker. Said his first “word” on 7/15/2010. Ya. I was bumed. He said DAD. Jon was super pleased. It’s Regan’s favorite thing to say. I hear it ALL DAY LONG. It’s cute.

* He is an AMAZING napper/sleeper. He generally falls asleep without fussing. And half the time we are not sure how long he has been awake. He just plays with his toes until we notice that he’s awake.

* He is great at sitting by himself. Give him a few toys and he will just sit and play.

* He has the yummiest chocolate brown eyes framed by super LONG curvy lashes. And the happiest laugh and smile.

And to quote Kaylee, “Regan James so cute!”

*** The skin for both children is really responding well to the newest cream from their dermatologist. They no longer look like they were burned, and have almost completely normal looking and feeling skin! ***


3 thoughts on “Regan James 8 months old

  1. Duh Despains

    I can’t believe he is that old either! It does sneak up quickly! He’s totally cute – thanks for sharing some of his fun facts! I love that Kaylee calls him by his full name – totally cute! Yay for their skin looking better! Glad you found something that works wonders for them!!


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