I swear Kaylee throws the most spectacular temper tantrums (and really always has). It’s really a good thing I find them amusing. I think I’m amused by what sets her off. She is such a DRAMA QUEEN. Sooo looking forward to the teenage years. Jon says she’s already acting like a terrible two. I think she acts like a sulky teenager. The expressions she makes… I just know she’s thinking “Your ruining my life! Ugh!” Jon get’s way annoyed, but I really have to try hard not to laugh at her most of the time. (Laughing makes it worse.) Oh, and there are very rarely any tears. This one that I got on film was the result of me telling Kaylee she would have to walk down the hall (with my help) to living room. She really didn’t want to walk, but I wasn’t able to carry her at the time. And she had just woke up from a nap, thus the fit. She has such a stubborn feisty little personality and she really isn’t shy about sharing her feelings. So a few times a week (since she was 6 months old) she melts over something. She’s had a few more than normal lately due to a growth spurt and just feeling icky from that. And she normally stomps her feet, but didn’t this time. I wanted to show Jack’ee the foot stomping, because she used to stomp when she got angry as a kid. also she had been going like this for a couple of minutes before I got the camera out, and you will notice that she will get momentarily distracted by random things before remembering she was telling me off. It will be nice when she gets a bit older and can understand time out. Ahh good times…….

3 thoughts on “SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!

  1. Teresa Johnson

    Ahhh the good ol’ temper tantrums! I have to say they only get worse…and girls are worse also! Good luck…and let me know if you figure out the secret to stopping them!

  2. Duh Despains

    oh man.. I remember those days.. and I hate to say, it gets worse when they can talk back! You are a good mom to laugh it off and not get frustrated! I love when they get distracted by other stuff… makes life so much easier!


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